Holguín is a city located in the eastern part of Cuba, and it is the capital of the Holguín Province. Here are some key details about Holguín:

  • History:

Holguín is one of the oldest cities in Cuba, founded in 1720. It has a rich history that includes both colonial and revolutionary periods. The city played a significant role in the struggle for Cuban independence.

  • City of Parks:

Holguín is often referred to as the “City of Parks” due to its numerous green spaces and squares. Calixto García Park, for example, is a central square named after a prominent Cuban general.

  • Cultural Heritage:

The city has a vibrant cultural scene, with various theaters, galleries, and cultural institutions. The Casa de la Trova is a popular venue for traditional Cuban music, including the son and trova genres.

  • Hill of the Cross (Loma de la Cruz):

One of the iconic landmarks in Holguín is the Hill of the Cross, offering panoramic views of the city. A large cross stands atop the hill, and visitors often climb the 458 steps to reach it.

  • San Isidoro Cathedral:

The San Isidoro Cathedral, located in the central square, is a neoclassical church dating back to the 18th century. It is a prominent religious and architectural landmark.

Mayabe Lookout:

The Mayabe Lookout provides stunning views of the surrounding countryside. There’s a bar at the lookout where visitors can enjoy local beverages.

  • Cayo Saetía:

Although not in Holguín city itself, Cayo Saetía is a nature reserve located nearby. It is a small island with diverse wildlife, including zebras, antelope, and exotic birds. Visitors can take safari tours on the island.

  • Guardalavaca Beach:

Holguín is close to the coastal resort area of Guardalavaca, known for its beautiful beaches and resorts. It’s a popular destination for those seeking sun, sand, and water activities.

  • Banes Archaeological Museum:

Located near Holguín, the Banes Archaeological Museum showcases artifacts from the indigenous Taíno people, providing insights into Cuba’s pre-Columbian history.

  • Parks and Plazas:

Holguín features several parks and plazas, such as the Parque Infantil and Parque Maceo, where locals and visitors gather for leisure and social activities.

Holguín offers a mix of historical, cultural, and natural attractions, making it an interesting destination for those looking to explore the eastern part of Cuba.


Holguín, located in the eastern part of Cuba, offers a variety of attractions for visitors. Here are some notable places and activities to explore in and around Holguín:

  • Hill of the Cross (Loma de la Cruz):

The Hill of the Cross is a prominent landmark in Holguín. Climbing the staircase of 458 steps to the top provides panoramic views of the city and the surrounding countryside.

  • Parque Calixto García (Calixto García Park):

Known as the “City of Parks,” Holguín’s central park is a popular gathering spot. Parque Calixto García is surrounded by colonial architecture and is a lively place where locals and visitors alike come to relax.

  • San Isidoro Cathedral:

This neoclassical cathedral, located in the central square, is a significant religious and architectural site. It dates back to the 18th century and showcases historical and artistic elements.

  • Casa de la Trova:

For a taste of traditional Cuban music, visit the Casa de la Trova. This cultural venue often features live performances of trova and son music, providing an authentic experience of Cuban rhythms.

  • Mayabe Lookout:

The Mayabe Lookout offers breathtaking views of the Holguín countryside. Visitors can enjoy a refreshing drink at the lookout’s bar while taking in the scenic surroundings.

  • Banes Archaeological Museum:

Located near Holguín, this museum showcases artifacts from the indigenous Taíno people. It provides insights into Cuba’s pre-Columbian history and is a fascinating stop for history enthusiasts.

  • Cayo Saetía:

While not directly in Holguín, Cayo Saetía is a nature reserve nearby. It’s a small island with diverse wildlife, including zebras and antelope. Safari tours on the island offer a unique experience.

  • Guardalavaca Beach:

Holguín is close to Guardalavaca, a coastal resort area known for its beautiful beaches. Guardalavaca is a popular destination for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports.

  • Parque Nacional Monumento Bariay:

This national park commemorates Christopher Columbus’s first landing in Cuba. It features scenic landscapes, hiking trails, and historical monuments.

  • Playa Esmeralda:

Another beautiful beach near Holguín is Playa Esmeralda. It boasts turquoise waters and white sandy shores, making it an ideal spot for relaxation and water activities.

Whether you’re interested in history, nature, or simply enjoying the local culture, Holguín has a range of attractions to suit various preferences.

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